The Problem With Marketing.
If someone says they work in marketing, the next response is frequently "What do you market?" As if all expertise was sector or product-specific.
The problem with marketing (well one of the many) is that its practitioners do a lousy job of marketing themselves and what they do.
"You work in advertising? So you sell stuff, right? Go on, why don't you sell something to me in 30 seconds. You can do it, right?"
I suppose if they're really good at it everyone knows what they're selling anyway, no? ;)
/marketing gurus come to mind, or JK Rowling, etc:)
Not if people don't know what marketing is.
If they are good at what they do, their work should speak for itself ... and if the person asking the question doesn't know what marketing is, then the person should be able to express it simply, powerfully and effectively in the time it takes the lift to go from the ground floor to the 1st - isn't that what good marketing should make you capable of?
Yes - but I'm not sure the marketers know what marketing is.
lol - good point. Do they? :)
& do they actually know what they market too? ;)
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