The Expertise Of Agencies.

One of my pet hates is the way that marketing departments outsource so much of their work. It's a question of balancing specialist skills against intimate knowledge of the product/service and its marketplace and I'm not sure that balance is correctly maintained.
But sometimes, I accept, I am too critical of agencies. Today, for example, I am sure the clients of an international agency will be reassured to know that its staff are increasing their skillset in response to this memo.
Subject: Think Chairs
????????? from ???????? will be in the office on Friday February 15, to do a quick demo on how to use your chair.
He will be covering the following:
Alive Seating
Ergonomic Principles
Environmental Story
Please make sure that you bring your chair to the session.
(The Oklahoma bombing memorial are chairs worth thinking about.)
In one of my last jobs I only narrowly managed to escape having to take a whole day out to go to an industrial estate in Essex for fire extinguisher training.
You are not too harsh on agencies - too many are lazy, conservative and reactive - despite spouting all sorts of really cool, management-speak terms in a desperate bid to look all corporately responsible.
That doesn't mean all agencies are this way - or that all marketing companies are all completely blameless - but with so few people calling it as they see it, it's not going to change which is why I fully support your anti-agency-ranting.
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